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 FM Stereo Tuner T-109


Among the great variety of program sources available today. FM broadcast provides a rich choice of music all day long. The T-109 was conceived for the music lover who desires program source flexibility but accepts no compromises when it comes to sound quality.
High selectivity and superb noise filters assure clean reception, and a convenient memory function lets you store as many as 32 stations.] The pulse tuning principle developed by Accuphase blends digital accuracy with the feeling of operating an analog tuning knob. The front end employs a dual-stage design, and the newly developed Advanced DGL Detector makes use of high-speed logic IC's.
Balanced output send the audio signal to the next component without any sound quality deterioration. In every aspect, the tuner represents the pinnacle of performance.


Frequency Range :
Europe 87.50 MHz-10.00 MHz (in 50-kHz channel steps)
USA 87.5 MHz-108.0 MHz (in 100-kHz channel Steps)
Asia 87.5MHz-107.9 MHz (in 200-kHz channel steps)

Sensitivity :
Usable Sensitivity: 11 dBf (lHF)
50 dB Quieting Sensitivity: 17 dBf (IHF)

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio : 1.5

Signal-to-Noise Ratio at 80 dBf : 90 dB (A-Weighted)

Total Harmonic Distortion :
with Selectivity switch set to NORMAL
80 dBf input at } 75 kHz deviation

20 Hz 1,000 Hz 10,000 Hz
0.02 % 0.02 % 0.02 %

Intermodulation Distortion :
will not exceed 0.01 % (Antenna input 80 dBf, }75 kHz deviation)

Frequency Response :
+0, -1.0 dB. 10 Hz to 16.000 Hz

Selectivity : (IHF)
with SELECTIVITY switch set to NORMAL or NARROW

interference Wave NORMAL NARROW
400 kHz 70 dB 100 dB min
300 kHz 30 dB 100 dB
200 kHz 10 dB 40 dB

Capture Ratio : 1.5 dB

RF lntmodulation : 80 dB

Spurious Response Ratio) : 120 dB

Image Response Ratio : 80 dB

AM Suppression Ratio : 80 dB at 65 dBf input

Subcarirer Product Ratio : 70 dB

SCA Rejection Ratio : 80 dB

Output: 1.0 Volt at }75 kHz deviation

Sensitivity :
40 dB Quieting Sensitivity: 29 dBf (lHF)
50 dB Quieting Sensitivity: 37 dBf (IHF)

Signal-to-Noise Ratio at 80 dBf : 85 dB (A-Weighted)

Total Harmonic Distortion :
With SELECTIVlTY switch set to NORMAL
at } 75 kHz deviation
20 Hz 1,000 Hz 10,000 Hz
0.04 % 0.04 % 0.04 %

Intermodulation: Distortion :
Will not exceed O.03 % (Antenna input 8O dBf, }75 kHz deviation)

Frequency Response :
+0. -1.0 dB, 10Hz: to 16,000 Hz

Stereo Separation :
100 Hz 1,000 Hz 10,00O Hz
50 dB 50 dB 40 dB

Stereo and Muting Threshold : 20 dBf


Antenna Input :
75-ohm Unbalanced

Tuning System :
Quartz-lock frequency synthesized tuningsystem Preset
tuning random memory for 32 stations

FM Detector
DGL (Differential Gain Linear) Detector

Output impedance :
BLALANCED, XLR type : 200 ohms (100 ohms/100 ohms)
Audio output FIXED : 200 ohms
Audio output CONTL0LLED : 1.25 kohms max.

Meter :
Multipath/Signal Strength (delectable)

Power Supply and Power Consumption :
Compatible to 100/120 V and 220/230/24O V 50/60 Hz operation
(Voltage as indicated on rear panel)
Consumption: 15 Watts

Maximum Dimensions :
475 mm (8-11/16") width, 140 mm (5-1/2) height (max.), 4O2 mm (15-13/16) depth

Weight :
9.5 kg (20.9 lbs) net, 14.5kg (32 lbs) in shipping carton

Supplied Remote Commander RC-12
Remote Control System: lnfra-red Pulse
Power Supply: 3 V DC (two IEC R6 batteries)
Dimensions: 64 mm (2-1 /2") width, 149 mm (5-7/8")
height, l8 mm (11/l6") depth
weight: 145g (0.3 Lb.) including batteries

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